Heimdall Bot, Rooms, Posters and Content are the exclusive property of Thor. Empires and Puzzles images and content courtesy of Small Giant Games.

All content, statistics, calculations, translations and hero grading collected, developed and organised by Thor and Friends, including Thor’s Heimdall Build Team, Heimdall Legends, Heimdall Translators and Thor’s Hero Grading Teams (please see About Heimdall for details).

All rights reserved by Thor and Friends.

Heimdall Users are permitted to access the bot and content. Users may not copy, archive, distribute or alter anything without explicit written permission from Thor.

Any person(s) found in violation of terms of use, may be removed, banned and black listed across all rooms managed by Thor and friends across Line and all other Channels.

Do not add this bot to your private Group or Direct Message the bot.

If you have any questions or are unsure, please feel free to contact Thor directly.